Friday, 26 July 2013

something about clay 8 (drawing)

Because clay will dry and stable during time period, it is a very material for modelling and making sculpture stuffs, I still didnt give up the "let the melted wax or oil pastels do their own job" idea, also it is a good way to explore the quality of clay, how curve it can stay, how stable it can be etc.

If roll the clay thinner it is less stable, would crack easier.
If roll the clay thicker it is more stable, but would have cracks after it dried.

Anyway Im not really like it, to me it is too boring too quilt, next time I will try less square / more free style...

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

something about clay 7 (drawing)

It is a wax piece, I just melted the candle and dropped the wax onto cardboard, leave it for a while then peel off it, but need be very careful.

Drop hot wax directly onto clay paper, I thought it would have dramatic effects, the wax would flout by itself to create different shapes, but, kind of disappointed, the hot wax got dry too fast to flout, I have to shake it by myself, also sometimes got black burned marks in the wax.

Lighting the oil pastel let it burn on the clay, cool, it did go directions by itself, as you can see the burning mark is quite nice and unusual, looks like figures, but, also it didn't give me the dramatic feeling as I imaged.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

something about CLAY6 (drawing)

How to combine with oil pastels...

Painted the clay paper with different colours' pastels and the pressure will crack the clay paper into small pieces, join them with wax.

Or join cracked thin clay pieces and oil pastel with wax, in the process amount of wax will drop and stick on oil pastel stick, it can be blasting fuse.

Oil pastel contains oil and the wax on the surface can easily lighted, during the burning process, oil pastel stick will melt and drop on waxed clay, giving it colour. (can be slow or fast depends on how long the fire can last)

I tried make the clay base with a notch surround the oil pastel stick, it can last the fire and burning longer, on the stick surface appears air bubbles due the high temperature.

The ash has similar quality as chalk, dusty, fragile and fine.

Saturday, 13 July 2013

something about CLAY5 (drawing)

Roll clay onto a print paper to create a piece of clay paper, the chosen of print paper because it sucks water very fast, can make thin clay layer steady.

The rolling process is slow and careful, the scale of the paper let I roll the clay block by block rather than a whole one, so it need cover all the joints. 

Try to keep the surface eventually otherwise after dried very easy to crack from the thinner parts.

Cover all the spots and corners, even out of edges.

Let it dry a while then turn it over, measure the scale with the help of pen and ruler, in the precess of rolling, some parts of print papaers moisted and bracked.

Leave clay paper to open space over night, then tear off the print paper, done.

clay pattens...

Try to combine clay with wax on clay paper.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

something about CLAY4 (drawing)

Because clay has similar quality as flour dough, I tried to use rolling pin to roll it on glass, measuring how thin it can be.

Actually it can be rolled extremely thin, but because the pin's pressure the liquid which clay contained come out, make it sticky and its very hard to remove from glass completely.

If the thickness not too thin, its very easy to roll up, soft and changeable.

Thinking if can do something to the pinholes...

when the clay slightly dry, its a good time to model it, itself has supporting.

The colour of clay just too simplex, grey and flat, tried more changeable and more fragile coloury wax.