Wednesday 9 March 2011

week 2 Barbara Kruger & Mercantilliasm

1. Describe the "style" that Kruger has used in the 2 presented works

According to the website ( " Barbara Kruger's graphic work usually consists of black-and-white photographs with overlaid captions set in white-on-red Futura Bold Oblique." The phrases in her works often include the use of pronouns such as"You" "I" "They" "We" "It", and the images always from some magazines which she is disputing. Also her works became the highly recognizable, website( comment them like "short, pithy caption-like copy is scattered over framented and enlarged photographs appropriated from various media".

                                                  shepard fairey on Barbara Kruger (2010)

2. What are some of the concepts and messages that Kurger is communicating in them?

I think Kruger's works are telling people that they should face themselves and the reality, you can't slander yourselves and all luxurious material won't make you rich and beautiful. The works  about feminism, classicism, consumerism and individualism autonomy and desire.

                                                             Untitle   1992

3. Do these images communicate these ideas effectively? explain...

Yeah she always use some exaggerate parts of pictures, some tips which have
words on them. Also we can find some other images connect with main idea very matching.  Kruger worked as a graphic designer, art director, and picture editor, to the extent that her works have very strong influences, so some of them have appeared on billboards, buscards, posters, a public park, a train station platform and public areas

                                                   we dont need another hero    1987

4. Define the concept of Mercantilism and explain how those 2 examples can connect with the concept

According to the Columbia Encyclopedia:

 " Mercantilism, economic system of the major trading nations during the 16th, 17th, and 18th cent, based on the premise that national wealth and power were best served by increasing exports and collecting precious metals in reture."

Mercantilism is the earlier stage of Capitallism, the motivation about money is purer, not connected with indusrty, politics too much. one image said shoopping, another one showed luxuarious product, all mentioned money.

                                                  W magzine  (2005) 

5. upload a more recent example of kruger's work where she has used a new medium, that is not graphic design. Title your image of the chosen work and comment on your response to the work, How do you think the audience could experience this work...

CIRCUS  2011 Barbara Kruger

This one is Barbara Kruger's newest exhibition work(12th,Jan,2011), it covers the rotunda of the Schin Kunsthalle Frankfurt, this work is not just graphic design anymore, the signature work from the legendary artist presented in a special, unique way, people need visit this work from ground to ceiling, through each piece of machine plotting to understand what happend here, and also you can see the obviously signal of Barbara Kruger's work —— black & white or compared colour. This artistic work be determined as "A must see for everyone in Germany" by audience.


( Kruger.html)


The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition.(2005) Mercantilism. Retrieved Feb 11, 2006, from:


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