Saturday 1 June 2013

something about CLAY 2 (drawing)

  • Interesting phenonenon: traced not noly the forms of knuckles, but also the fingerprints.
  • can see it very clear even fine lines without waiting until it dry.

  • the knuckles' models like some kind of puzzles, or fossil remains of animals.


  • they are settle but can define as little fragile, see what if smash with a hammer.

  • next step I decide to make some tiny bits, just give a try, I'm wondering the result.
  • roll the clay up.

  • under the rolls is a washed canvas, comparison of grey and colours.
  • by chance, I feel maybe it can be a 3D work.

  • because of the temperature in studio raised, I found that some of clay bits I covered by a damp towel returned to soft, and could be reused.
  • after some research of this non-firing clay, acturally it can be stored in a tightly closed plastic bag and put indefinitely in a wet towel.

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