Saturday 15 June 2013

something about CLAY 3 (drawing)

I was thinking that if the clay would become soft in moist condition, how about totally soak into water...

As you can see, the clay block melted and became little bit sticky, after times stirring, the character is very similar as flour except the amount of thickness is less.

P.S  use hot water can speed up the integration of time.

This is when melted clay and water balanced, very trick and smooth oyster white liquid. 

I added oil pastel ash, it would not absorb, just flout on the surface, very colorful.

Pour the liquid onto a watercolor sheet, it standstills on above and absorb into paper slowly.

I tried shake the paper to increase the speed of absorption.

It was wet, after half an hour (studio was warm)...

Dried and left clay spots, also the oil pastel ash stayed with the trace.

Is there have difference when the order of oil pastel ash into clay liquid changed?

oil pastel drew onto paper already brushed with clay liquid

clay liquid brushed onto paper with oil pastel lines

Yeah it is has difference, the first one stayed but the second one melted and absorbed during more clay liquid added.

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