Sunday 27 October 2013

comtextual statement

The concept of Greek word Pareidolia is the instinct to seek familiar forms in

disordered images like clouds or installations, the perception of random

stimulus as significant. Usually interpreted as the ambiguity in contemporary

art, the opening of more than one interpretation.

In a relation with last idea “Composition of Fragmentation”, colored fragments

scrabble up paintings, because of the brain functions, viewer produces the

pieces as figures (even female figures) and framed backgrounds, the

recognition of human color in daily life is one of the tracks, as well as the sense

of poses and emotions in a kind of uncomfortable and fascinating way. In this

whole series, watercolor has been used fundamentally, bright, pure and dark

washed paint sucked by surface tissue, at a time, it dried and tear off, the left

paint traces and movements bring more lives to the atmosphere in artworks,

and the left tissue give a collage sense.

This visually ambiguity highly marked in The Slave Market with Disappearing

Bust of Voltaire by Salvador Dali, it can be seen as an obscured or a double

edged remark. If say Dali was exploring the technique, subsequently

Leonardo’s Mona Lisa was examining more about facial expression of

emotions. This technique and exploration method has been used since ancient

times, also will continue used for the future contemporary art.

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