Saturday 4 May 2013

Combination 2

Japanese artist Emi Uchida describe herself as someone try to find herself in negative and damaged art world, "Trace" series revealed her thought and the method she used to explore the thought.

I did numbers works just try to follow her step, to see if it's working on watercolour painting and how it's worked.

During the experiment, I found that the colours and lines couldn't exist together in a balanced way, the lines always too obvious whatever the background watercolour was bright or dark, even once I drew the lines before did the painting, so the mastery of technique in which her isolates colours from lines and the reunite them will become a  challenge to me. I read part of her proposal talked "the lines and colours coexist in balance to make those layers invisible, a whole new space of unparallelled texture and possibility appears".

The qualities of lines are THICK / THIN / QUICK / SLOW / STRONG / DELICATE etc.

The equipment of draw the lines are CHARCOAL / FINELINER etc.



On the other hand, draw the lines need plenty time and patient, it's not a simple movement of repetition, the experiment I got is same as Uchida introduced, each line is different and is impossible to replicate.


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