Tuesday 27 August 2013

contextual statement for drawing

In this drawing paper, I chose CLAY as my main material, also tried to add both wax (from 

candle) and oil pastel, the choices I made by the previous idea of "bring colours in", but 

after times and times' experiments, results always did not turn to something I expected, I 

gave up around three weeks before the deadline. Only play with clay was not simple too, 

less material brought more challenges, I need add ideas and concepts to my work instead of 

other materials.

The ideas of my final two pieces clay works are "Trace of  time" and "labour". Time is 

something invisible but involved in daily life, I use clay as a trace material, it can leave 

marks on to present the time which become perceivable, also shows during the period how 

the clay changed. My labour is connected with reputation and perticipation, repeat this 

movement sometimes be defined as a boring and irritable action, same as labour, but in my 

works I can see the playfulness and endless joy, not only from the finished works but also 

in the process of appreciation by audience. There are three ways about labour from my 

viewpoints, when mix clay with tissue and mould clay to shapes are the first "labour", 

myself plays the participant, when create the pattens, grids on the wall and layer stick clay 

sheets together are the second "labour", also myself as the perticipant, the third one is not 

from me/artist, audiences come to view the works, they are perticipate to the process, the 


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